Pen to Paper: Books about Writing

Everyone has a favorite book or two about writing that has served him well, that he recommends to other writers and aspiring writers.

Here are two lists (list one, list two) at Flashlightworthy Books of suggestions writers have made.

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Haiku on 42nd St.

Richard Hunt of Clerisy Press found catsignal one day and in the spirit of sharing haiku most graciously sent me a copy of Haiku on 42nd St. You can read about this little book and how it came to be at Clerisy’s site. But I will tell you this: it’s wonderful.

The photography and the colors pop from the pages. After absorbing the haiku themselves, it was (and still is) fun to go back and examine each photo carefully, looking at all the shapes and designs. I was pleased to recognize two or three of the haiku from other collections, and those I didn’t recognize gave me more poets to watch for.

Treat yourself to your own copy of Haiku on 42nd St. today.

And thank you again, Richard.