Fiction: Perks

“Off to work?” Amy asked.

“As always,” Will said. “Off to bed?”

“Yes. Long day.”

“Sleep well.”

“I hope to.” She smiled at him. “Don’t get caught up in your work.”

He grinned back at her. “I haven’t yet.”

“Oh, you might keep an eye out for a pair of earrings that would match the lovely amethyst necklace you got me.”

“I know just the place to look,” he said. “Good night.”


She snuggled into her cool bed, wishing again he was going to be there to share it with her. Still, despite the negative aspects of Will’s job, there were some perks to being married to a burglar.


Fiction: Murder in the Mansion

The storm raged on, showing no signs of abating, and nearly covering the sound of gunshots inside the Salvorson mansion.

Three men, who had come from different parts of the mansion, stood around the body of their late, unlamented business partner, Brock Salvorson. He was lying at the bottom of a long, steep flight of stairs.

“If it weren’t for the multiple gunshot wounds, we could have said he fell,” Ian Irwin said.

“I think we must also rule out suicide,” Philip Ordell added.

“Gentlemen,” said Tate Fanchon, “one of us is a murderer.”

“And we all have motive for killing the S.O.B.,” Ordell said.

Continue reading “Fiction: Murder in the Mansion”

Fiction: Beevey

Beevey woke up. Large, dark eyes opened in a thickly furred head. Something had changed, Beevey – short for Black Velvet – knew.

The cat listened for a moment. Both the adult humans were still asleep. So he unfolded himself from the closet floor and set off into the dark to peruse the rest of the upstairs.

Beevey padded down the hall to the baby’s room. With the aid of a soft night light, he hopped up on a chest of drawers and looked down into the crib. The little girl was also asleep. Of course, had that changed, there would have been lots of noise and one of the adults would have gotten up.

Continue reading “Fiction: Beevey”