Fiction: Down on Luck

George set his newspaper down and went to answer the knock at the front door. There sat a white rabbit.

“Begging your pardon, sir. My name is Conor, and I’m looking for any sort of odd jobs you might have so I can feed my family.”

“I don’t have anything that needs done around here. Sorry.” He prepared to close the door, but his wife’s voice stopped him.

“Who’s at the door, George?”

“A rabbit. Wanting work.”

Shirley’s head appeared in the doorway. “Ooh! What a beautiful rabbit.”

“Thank you, m’am.”

“And look at those big feet. I’ve always wanted a rabbit’s foot. For good luck.

Conor looked down at his front feet. “Have you now?”

Fiction: The Snowman Enigma

Leonard looked out the window to check on his children’s progress. Leila and her little brother, Leo, were working on a snowman in the front yard. They had made the bottom ball pretty big and had had some difficulty getting the next part of the snowman’s body on top of the base. Now they looked at the head and how high above their reach it needed to go.A moment later, Leonard walked out of the house.

“Need some help with that?”

“Yeah, Daddy. We can’t lift the head high enough,” Leila said.

“Well, I think I can manage that,” Leonard told them, and he knelt down for the snowman’s head. He hoisted it into place and patted some snow to secure it.

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