Fiction: Prisoners

Horace knew he was being a coward and berated himself for it. But the thought of what he was leaving behind set his feet moving toward London’s navy docks.

“An’ where are you going at this early hour, young man?” a man’s voice boomed.

Horace spun to his right.

“Shush, Evan! People are trying to sleep.”

“Notably the people you’re sneaking away from,” the old man said.

Horace grimaced but didn’t contradict Evan Smith. “That’s none of your concern.” He started walking up the street again and wasn’t surprised to find Evan tagging along.

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Quotable 105

The only good writing is intuitive writing. It would be a big bore if you knew where it was going. It has to be exciting, instantaneous and it has to be a surprise. Then it all comes blurting out and it’s beautiful. I’ve had a sign by my typewriter for 25 years now which reads, “DON’T THINK!”
– Ray Bradbury (August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012)