Fiction: Hatchet Job

“I’ve got it all set up for you, if you really want to do it.”

“It’s not so much a matter of want as need,” Wes said. “This is something I need to do. I should do it.”

Sheryl shrugged. “Over there. I’ve got one in a little pen, and Warren sharpened the hatchet. He said to remind you to just hit the turkey, not yourself.”

Wes made a little smile. “So kind of him.”

“He was kidding around. But it is good advice.”

They reached the small pen, and Wes stared at the big turkey his cousin and her husband had set aside for him. Sheryl kicked at the pen to make the turkey move back a little. She opened the door and ushered Wes inside.

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Quotable 127

Life goes on, and for the sake of verisimilitude and realism, you cannot possibly give the impression of an ending: you must let something hang. A cheap interpretation of that would be to say that you must always leave a chance for a sequel. People die, love dies, but life does not die, and so long as people live, stories must have life at the end.
– John O’Hara