grandfather clocks
run out of time
no new year’s chimes
Author: bryon
Quotable 496
I don’t know anything I’ve done for the human race, except possibly entertain a minute segment of it from time to time, and I can’t compare myself with Goethe, because I don’t know what he did for the race, either.
– Harold Ross
haiku 614
cool fall morning
squirrel forages
with the early birds
Quotable 495
Creativity, like most interesting things, resists easy generalizations.
– Jonah Lehrer
haiku 613
Taco Bell ad
on the TV
at Taco John’s
Quotable 494
You say the sentence or you write the sentence again and again until the tuning fork is still.
– Martin Amis
haiku 612
fading sunlight –
tiny mouse
exits a thin pipe
Quotable 493
If you’re a voracious reader and you write something that you want to read, odds are other people will want to read it, too.
– Tim Maleeny
haiku 611
under the porch light
raccoon siblings
trot down the sidewalk
Quotable 492
I have seen enough writers get stuck by not being vigilant enough about the tendency of their own work to repeat itself.
– J.H. Prynne