Tom misunderstood the hobby as tombstone robbing. He had built up a fine collection, but his display was worrying the neighbors.
Category: #quikfic
#quikfic 21
I met her in an art gallery and fell in love. Somewhere near The Persistence of Memory, she melted into the arms of another man.
#quikfic 20
Evan stared at his cat for hours. The cat acted as though nothing were out of the ordinary, despite the diamond in the litter box.
#quikfic 19
Horace was determined to act on his counselor’s advice to embrace his fears. So he ran toward the tornado with his arms wide open.
#quikfic 18
The chairwoman of the antidisestablishmentarianism conference was better known for her experimentation with deoxyribonucleic acid.
#quikfic 17
The hangman let the scaffold’s trapdoor fall open. In that instant, Plundering Pete remembered a library book he hadn’t returned.
#quikfic 16
Arnold finished the staircase long before most of the other renovation work was completed. He appreciated an early riser.
#quikfic 15
From my prison cell, I can hear the whistle as the train passes by. It was more romantic to hear Johnny Cash sing about it.
#quikfic 14
“What did you learn in catechism today?” his mother asked. He replied softly, “I learned not to be alone with Father Stephen.”
#quikfic 13
Tim thought the flat, white clouds looked like alien spaceships. The image was more striking when the death rays poured forth.