Author’s Note: See the Archives

I know I sound like a broken record (for the young, this refers to a scratched vinyl disc on which music has been recorded, and the needle gets stuck in the same part of the groove rather than moving on to the rest of the song and record), but there’s no new story today.

Here’s the story from Catsignal’s first March. Enjoy it again.

Author’s Note: More Changes Around Here

Okay, I said – was it really just two weeks ago? – that the Pen to Paper feature was going to be a little slipshod for a while. On second thought, it’s just going to disappear until I’ve got time to do something useful with it. That brings us down to a haiku on Tuesdays, a Quoteable on Wednesdays, and a new piece of short fiction on Thursdays – when I can manage it.

If I see something worth sharing at someone else’s site, I’ll do so in an Author’s Note, but that’ll be scattershot, not scheduled (although I’ll do it scattershot on a Monday if I’ve got something). When I a) get accustomed to everything on my plate, or b) clear something off my plate, then I’ll get back to writing the Pen to Paper essays.

Thank you for your understanding.

Occupy: A New Purpose for Catsignal

You see the new category here at Catsignal: Occupy.

Since I first relaunched Catsignal as a place to share my writing, I have been almost relentlessly apolitical. By and large, I have restricted my occasional political or social observations to my stories because this is a writing blog, and that is a time-honored method of bringing concerns to people’s attention.

That has changed. The unconscionable attacks against peaceful protestors in the Occupy Movement, the use of riot police, pepper spray, batons, beanbag and rubber projectiles against American citizens who are exercising their First Amendment “right of the people peaceably to assemble, to petition their government for a redress of grievances” cannot be ignored.

Catsignal is not going to become the go-to source for all your Occupy Movement news; this remains, first and foremost, a writing blog. But I will repeat – for the sake of doing what I can from the hinterlands of a red state – word of the outrages so that you, too, may be outraged. That you, too, will speak out. That you, too, will do what you can where you are to make a difference.

“Fear not your enemies, for they can only kill you. Fear not your friends, for they can only betray you. Fear only the indifferent, who permit the killers and betrayers to walk safely on the earth.”
– Edward Yashinsky