beneath the
gas station canopy
dawn breaks
Tag: break
haiku 500
downwind –
their smoke break
filters through our masks
Quotable 352
Word choice stands at the center of the practice of writing. This is particularly true for poetry, and even more so for haiku. Simply put, the choice of a word can make or break a poem.
– David Grayson
haiku 368
through a break
in the trees
haiku 363
grocery store –
playing the harmonica
on his break
Author’s Note: A Holiday Break
’Tis once more the season, and I’m downing tools for the holidays. Except that I plan to have a new story up Thursday, so hope and watch for that Christmas miracle.
Catsignal will be back the first full week of 2014. Have a merry or blessed holiday or holidays of your choice.
#quikfic 74
Rafael fell down the stairs and broke both his legs and an arm. His rose-colored glasses had kept him from seeing the broken step.