old cat comes to me
for another snack –
soft touch
Tag: cat
haiku 342
cat back from the vet –
sniffing all around
to make sure she’s home
#quikfic 96
“But you’re a fireman! Firemen always get cats out of trees.” Ralph grudgingly began to climb to get the cat. “Thank you, Daddy!”
haiku 304
neighborhood cat
waits on the fence
by bird feeders
haiku 292
warm December day
big black cat perches
on neighbor’s deck rail
haiku 285
one last scratch
for the veterinarian –
a fighter to the end
haiku 283
force-feeding –
still a strong cat
despite not eating
haiku 252
my cat’s world
now as dark
as her fur
haiku 238
new blanket
keeps the neighbors’ cat
warm on our porch
#quikfic 20
Evan stared at his cat for hours. The cat acted as though nothing were out of the ordinary, despite the diamond in the litter box.