Quotable 175

Whether a story is told on the page or on the screen, the same elements are required. You’ve got to have characters you can identify with, and there’d better be trouble brewing somewhere. Whatever these people’s lives have been before, they’re about to change in a big way. That’s what stories are all about.
– Jenny Wingfield

Fiction: Winds of Change

“You want what?” the leader asked. He looked wildly from one member of the little group to the next.

“You heard us,” one man said. “We want greater democracy and freedom. You’re being a dictator. It has to stop.”

“That’s right,” another piped up. “The older generation says you made yourself the leader fifteen years ago. No one voted on you, and we’ve never had free elections to decide whether to keep you or have someone else as leader.”

“This is because of Egypt, isn’t it?”

Continue reading “Fiction: Winds of Change”