Quotable 127

Life goes on, and for the sake of verisimilitude and realism, you cannot possibly give the impression of an ending: you must let something hang. A cheap interpretation of that would be to say that you must always leave a chance for a sequel. People die, love dies, but life does not die, and so long as people live, stories must have life at the end.
– John O’Hara

Fiction: Newton’s Laws of Motion, Briefly

1) A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in motion until acted on by some outside force.

We walked toward each other. At the corner, our eyes met, and we each knew the other as the soulmate we had been awaiting. We kept moving, past each other, but we turned in perfect synchronicity and walked backward so as not to lose sight. We smiled, knowing that pure love was finally ours.

2) A body will accelerate proportionally to a force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass.

She was in the crosswalk where an SUV hit her. Her trim, light body spilled onto the pavement, rolling, rolling…

3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I relive those few perfect seconds before her death, and I bathe again in the warmth of her love, by engaging in life in every positive way I can. That includes volunteer work as an elementary school crossing guard where, perhaps, our children might have gone.