this would have been
her 56th birthday –
gray and cold
Tag: remembering
Fiction: Auld Acquaintance
“The Thurlow family New Year’s Eve party is certainly at full boil,” Will said to his little sister.”When is any Thurlow family party not at full boil?” Laura asked.”Want to escape for a while?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll go out first. Meet me at my Toyota in five minutes. Don’t grab your coat; it’ll be too obvious. I’ll turn on the heater.”
There had not been the slightest chance anyone in the rented Knights of Columbus hall had overheard them. The hall was filled with Thurlows and their children and those who married into the Thurlow clan and their children and those who were good friends of the family and their children. Will and Laura’s mother, Catherine, and their older sister, Ingrid, had spent hours directing the decorating of the hall.