Author’s Note: Catsignal Turns 10

Catsignal is not the happy, boisterous 10-year-old I had once envisioned it would be. The earlier days of weekly stories are long gone. The occasional haiku and even more occasional essay are about all that happen around here anymore. If ever I find the cognitive power to change that, I will. At present, chronic fatigue syndrome keeps me sleepy and brain-fogged.

On this anniversary, it seems more reasonable to look back rather than ahead. So, for those who might like to revisit the old days – or if you’re new here and wonder where to begin – here is a short list of some of my favorite stories, in chronological order.

Papal Bull

In Sure and Certain Hope

The Master of Rusbridge Manor

Folding Money

Fallen Gods


Red Riding Hood and the Wolves

Time in a Bottle

One Low Payment


Birth Order

The Devil You Know

The Last Reunion of the Capper Gang


Angels We Have Heard While High

Personal Ad

Hansel and His Visit to the Enchanted Part of the Forest

Precarious Balance