Story problems are going to happen. If you never have story problems it means you’re not working hard enough to tell stories in an original, surprising, unexpected way.
– Ken Levine
Tag: unexpected
haiku 433
dinner with friend –
unexpected goldfish
on table
#quikfic 82
“There goes the flashlight,” Don said as they explored the old house. “Which way is out?” Mia asked. “Left,” said a new voice.
Fiction: Expectations
Artemis looked around the tight canyons of the great city. She was there for a change of pace. There were kinds of hunting here, although not the traditional sort she had always patronized.
She watched as a bus pulled up to its stop and several passengers exited. One man captured her attention, and she watched as he trudged down the sidewalk.
Artemis, goddess of the hunt, knew the terrible look of prey resigned to its fate, and that was the look on this man’s face. He was conventionally handsome and of average height. He wore a dull gray suit and a black tie. Only the despairing look in his eyes distinguished him from the crowd.
“Athena,” she called in her mind. “Do you have a moment?”
The other goddess appeared next to Artemis.
“Look at that man,” Artemis said, pointing down the street. “What has happened to him?”
Athena used her powers of knowledge and wisdom and divined the man’s history. She saw images…
Quotable 45
The hope for the unexpected is so essential to my process, I wouldn’t bother to start a poem if I already knew the ending. The pen is not just a recording device; it can also be an instrument of discovery.
– Billy Collins